- The author holds that Aquinas? law philosophy is a rationalist natural law theory. 阿奎那的法律哲学是理性主义性质的自然法法哲学
- The author holds that combining rhetoric and semantics is a new way of development of modern Chinese rhetoric. 这样把修辞和语义结合起来进行研究,是现代汉语修辞学发展的一条新路。
- The author holds that the relationship between enterprise and market is one of co existence and mutual replacement. 企业与市场之间是一种共生而又可以相互替代的关系 ,不能因为二者间存在共同增长和互补关系而否定相互间的替代关系。
- The author holds that government functions' misadjustment is an important reason for the slow advance of the reform. 经过转变政府职能的改革与实践,从管理到服务已是我国政府职能转变的一个现实趋势。
- The author holds that two main contents are included in the Godel's Incompleteness Theorem. 第二,这样的形式系统如果一致,则这种一致性在系统内不可证。
- In the meantime, the author holds that the Government must strengthen its macrocontrol capacity over PU. 同时,政府应加强对公用事业的宏观控制力。
- The author holds that the controversies can be accounted for by the divergence in methodology.Thus,in order to defi... 因此,本文试梳理争论,以有助于清晰问题,商榷分歧,寻求共识。
- The author holds that the English education in such universities can only be further developed by strengthening academic discipline constriction. 作者认为,为了提高专业教学质量并凸现其办学特色,理工院校英语专业必须加强学科建设。
- The author holds that the deposit is a hyllrothermalREE denosit genetically in direct connection with salt melt ri... 作者认为该矿床是一个与富含挥发份盐熔体有直接成因联系的热液稀土矿床。
- The author holds that" normative document" must include those documents, which are made by local legislator for administration purpose. 笔者认为,规范性文件应包括地方权力机关制定的用于行政管理的文件在内,并以此称呼和分类。
- According to the latest technology used in vehicles, signal, ticket examination and safety system, the author holds that UMT in China has been greatly improved. 论述了我国城市轨道交通在车辆、信号、检票和安全系统设备方面的最新技术,并说明我国现代城市轨道交通技术装备水平已有了质的飞跃。
- Finally, the author holds that this project has good social economic benefits and usefal experiences for domestic and international straddle type monorail transportation systems. 对该方案的基本原理和方法进行阐述,提出了架桥机、运梁车设计中应解决的问题以及应用中的优化措施。
- The author holds that the assimilation of musical aesthetics and emotion has established the spiritual home for human beings. 认为正是音乐审美与情感的交融渗透构筑了人类的精神家园。
- The author holds that, as a "super-national" regional international organization, the EC is an active participator in the multilateral trading system. 作者认为,欧共体作为具有“超国家”性质的区域性国际组织,是多边贸易体制的积极参加者;
- The author holds that the fairness of document use is a speciality ought haved by the public library,but isn't inborn as well as immutable. 文献利用公平性是公共图书馆应该具有的特质,但不是与生俱来的,也不是一成不变的。
- Finally, the author holds that the nationalism ideology and the idea of constructing harmony world are uncoordinated and incompatible. 最后,通过考察、分析民族主义的两面性,本文指出,民族主义的意识形态与建设和谐世界的理念是不协调和不能兼容的。
- The author holds that strict liability has its philosophic, phycologic and judical practice foundations so that it can occur and survive. 笔者认为,严格责任之所以产生并存在,有其哲学上、心理学上和司法实践的依据。
- The author holds that anthropological religious study is based on the development and renovation of religious ethnography. 认为人类学宗教研究的学科基础是宗教民族志的开发和创新。
- The author holds that these country fairs play a positive role in livening up rural markets in ethnic areas and flourishing commodity economy. 文章从历史学的角度对近代以来右江流域圩市发展状况、成因及其局限性作了初步探讨。
- The author holds that enterprise life cycle has three phases: growing phase, mature phase, regenerating and aging phase. 文章认为企业生命周期有三个阶段:成长阶段、成熟阶段、再生与老化阶段。